Saturday, 15 November 2014



Why roots?

This is the album that is supposed to explain Our Band. This is the inception. It's called roots because it has all our genres. We decided to go back to what we started with. Grunge and Rock, Screamo even. We decided that our music needed its original taste. Just as we had started out. The intention was lost somewhere between switching from secular to Christian through Gospel. On this album, we have grunge, hip-hop, and indie, contemporary and even hard rock. These are the foundation genres of our music. They are the genres which our music will be built on. That is the first step in coming up with the title roots.

Secondly. The Message that we hope to deliver… the message in our music. On this project, we hope to bring people to understand that… Regardless of what our past is written with... Whatever the recent past and events have about us… that is not us anymore. It will also show what we are built of. It will show our Roots.

We deliver the album in two parts. The first part is only instrumental. All instrumentals of the songs that we know to feature on the album… some of them are throwbacks … others are new songs that we have been working on… the package is almost done and nearly ready for release.


This is our music

Friday, 22 August 2014

StrypZ of Salvation

By His wounds we are healed, by His stripes we are made whole. Jesus the son of God came and died for our sins. Have you any idea what that means?? God sent his ONLY son to die so that you and I could have peace, through Him we are redeemed. Grace is the word. Unmerited favor, things you don't deserve, nothing short of amazing.

StrypZ of Salvation
is our band name:

The Three stripes stand for and symbolize the Holy Trinity. The Stripes also represent the defeat of Death by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who after 3 days rose from the Grave. Scripture on which most of our music stands, Isaiah 53 where Jesus Death and triumph over death was prophesied. Jesus was badly battered but never said a single word... not one. Not a single word.


We are a band of one. The member of this band goes by a stage name, Diamond Dice with real names being Bwalya Mulumba.

He is the producer, writer and composer of this band's music. He is also a photographer and a Graphics designer. All the Band's artwork is done by him.

Born on 17th October 1993, Diamond Dice (born Bwalya Mulumba) came to life at Thompson Hospital, Luanshya Zambia into a family of seven. He went to school at Kalulushi Trust School. His father, John Chanda Mulumba taught and still teaches Music there. At an early age, Diamond Dice learnt to play the recorder, a woodwind instrument similar to a flute. He played at four Music festivals organized by the Trust School Association. Completing his primary education, Diamond Dice went to Mpelembe secondary school after winning a 100% scholarship from the BEIT (British Education International Trust) fund. In 2007 he started learning to play the piano by watching the senior students and they played in the main school hall. With a computer at home when he came from school during the holidays, Diamond Dice came across Fruityloops (now called FL Studio) Version 3, a digital music production software. This was where everything started. After showing interest in learning, His father taught him how to make music using FL Studio.

Back in school, under heavy influence from friend, Diamond Dice started listening to Rock music. This quickly became his favorite genre because of his ability to translate the guitar chords onto the piano. This shifted him from Hip-hop (leaving only a few artists on his playlist. Eminem remained the only rapper on the Hip-hop playlist for Diamond). This also moved him from listening to a lot of local artists as they spread the same message that hip hop was spreading at the time. It was all about relationships between boys and girls, love stories, money, cars, girls, violence. Rock music became the only thing he could listen to. It was easy for him to relate to the music because of his ability to play the instruments. Also, the artists spoke about real life issues which affect the majority of people in the world today. Oppression, sickness, disease, racism are just a grade eleven, Diamond Dice learnt to play the guitar. After completing secondary school. Diamond Dice focused on Music, working on 3 specific Genres; Alternative Rock, Grunge and Metal.

The band name first started out as Ice 'N' Rocks taken from his names: Ice- (the slang term for Jewelry referring to Dice) and Rocks (the literal collective things of a Diamond's Nature rocks/stones). The Rocks also came in as the governing body for the genres he was undertaking, Rock music. The band brought to life songs like Industrio and its remix, Land of Rock and many others which you can listen to on

2012 saw the band name Change to Angeles Muertos, depicting the Band's focus on metal and Grunge, music from Alternative music. (It means Dead angels in Spanish.) The year brought about songs like Reverb, The Kick, and Beast Mode off their debut EP, which was called The Hype [Overdose]. The EP, an underground project had a mixture of Grunge with modernized Hip Hop under the influence of Metal... The aspect of Hip Hop was brought around to captivate the minds of the Hip Hop listeners while maintaining the music's origins. That very year, the Band's Sound cloud profile was opened allowing songs from the previous years to also be aired and listened to. A Facebook page was also opened for the Band

In 2013, Still Promoting the Hype, a Reverb nation page was created. In this year, music was slowed down to a near standstill as the artist focused in into Graphics design and Photography. You can take a look at his work here


Our Music has primarily been instrumental music. But this year has been a year of realization for us.

You see, our music has been for entertainment and everyday life topic. This year however, we asked ourselves, whose flag we would be running under. We are Christians, and we want our music to reflect that. Our music is now Christian music, this to us means that regardless of what topic we tackle, however our music is heard, it will point out that without God, without Christ, life is a losing battle. It will now have lyrical content as well because now it's not just music, it is my way of preaching.


Our artwork has two main features. A Hardcore Grunge background that symbolizes our sins in the eyes of God and Three RED Stripes. These are always solid above the background as they show that Christ's blood and the Trinity triumph over all sins. That by these-His- Stripes, We are healed.

We have maintained genres. We are a Christian Rock band under the Flag of the Grace. And Salvation is coming.

We are currently working on a project called,
Singles, Cover and… it's just the Beginning.

We have a single out right now… listen to it here

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Let's Discuss This: He continues to raise me

Let's Discuss This: He continues to raise me: You think you know pain when you are four and your mama wont get you your favorite toy so you whine about how unfair life is because the nei...

Friday, 25 July 2014

Stripes of Salvation

This is the New band Name for my band.... for me rather..... our Colors are red and black.... we are a Christian Rock band..... under a Christian Media HOuse called CaterPictures... This is us... so I'm spending today changing every Name everywhere, Taking down the Old and bringing up the new... I live under a New Banner. Grace.... His Grace.. God's Grace... Through His son... I am loved by Him.. I do so much wrong everyday but he always saves me... it's really amazing how sinners like can actually taste Grace... so that my story.. I've been fortunate enough to Realize that God's grace is everything I need to live.. I am blessed enough to know about Jesus..... it is my duty to spread his word wherever I go.... You see,my story is always about helping each other up... and God's word is the only way to do it. Yesterday.. I met a little boy outside my workplace..... okay there were three of them but my interest was in one of them.... the other two boys were carrying backpacks, he was carrying what looked like a mixture of a hand bag and brief case.  I could tell that the little boy was uncomfortable with how cumbersome it was to handle his on bag.. but also, on his face, I could see a look of acceptance... the little boy had come to grips and accepted that he didn't have a backpack, and as much as he wanted one, he couldn't get it..... so I called him, and walked with him... talking to him like he was a friend of mine. we walked across the road to a place where a man was selling second hand backpacks... I asked him to pick one... he picked it up and I asked for the price.. I was told 85  Kwacha... what?????????? for a second hand back pack???? that's ridiculous... but you see, I pulled out the money and gave it to the man......
Only after the boy had left and I had returned to my workplace did it occur to me that Shoprite sells BRAND NEW backpacks for less than 30 Kwacha....It then hit me.... in the moment I saw the little boy and deduce what I deduce about him.... I just wanted to get him out of his situation.. raise his self esteem and bring him closer to me.. win a friend...... I wanted change for the little boy, regardles of how it came... and that's what drives me as I do my work,,... Music, Photography.... I want those I meet who haven't experienced such love and  mercy to know what My God has done for me....... He has been Overly mercyful...... someone once told me,,... The word Grace means... UNMERITED favour... favour you didn't earn, fight for, or even know about.. you had NO clue what was going on.... I want to share that through everything I do... you can not say you have experienced His mercy if you have nothing to show for it... the only thing you can show for it is mercy yes... That is my band Name...... Stripes of Salvation... I am currently working on a few music projects with local Artists, doing new cover arts and everything... Getting this project off the ground.....
I also belong to a media group called Hope Army.... these are people who have helped me with everything since i started this journey... I love them.....
so uhm.. Kudos *Dives into Trash bin*

Friday, 31 January 2014

New Project

I'm working on a new project. I called it Kill The Ogre.  Too many times, inmy country, Rock lovers, musicians and associates have been associated with being evil. They tell you things that associate you with bad evil and in no way acceptable. but you see, for some of us, this is us. I'll tell you about me.. I have made myself a better person in this genre. I have found myself improving in music when I chose this genre. It gave me a different perspective of the world, people and all that's around me.

Kill the ogre??? Most of You are wondering why I would call it that. Those with a sense of humor may even relate me to a Shrek hater. I'm not. The Ogre in My perspective, is the treatment which we get from those that judge my music and every other rockstar. The Ogre is also the belief that hovers over this genre. the ideas of bad evil wrongs that we suffer the accusation of.

No lie, it hurts. a good lot. it kills to know that one genre like hip hop can be accepted and Rock not. Music is a Universal language. it is the only language hich you don't have to know to understand. it breaks all barries set by words.. because music doesn't always need words. It could be a simple instumental piece. nothing complicated. you don't have to know who did it to enjoy it.

On This project, I want to tackle and encompass all Genres. i want every one to be able to listen to it and not be judgemental about it. I will have instrumental music on it. I will (for the first time) vocalise my lyrics on some of the music. you will hear me rap, sing, scream. name it. you will hear it on this record. I'm not sure yet how many songs I'm putting on it. oh!! and I will also do covers on it. (yeah.. there a few nice songs I want to cover).

My cover arts, will be done by me with help from two people who have been very supportive.. Scotty Zepplin and Natasha Narkotix. these are two Facebook friends who have helped me shape my music and photography life.

This man Makes music just like me. i met him two years ago, then I was just starting out into this music. He sent my some of his early projects and I sent him some of mine. We bonded instantly. He has been a major inspiration to a lot of my work. ( I think I will do a cover of his music on this project) He also brought out the photographer in me. We've traded Ideas, projects and a lot of other things just to better ourselves at Music and Photography. (A secret: He also motivated me to start working out.. I'm jealous of how he has all that energy coming out of him. so I started working out.. I may just be a prdigy of Scotty Zepplin.) Zepplin will play a big part in the Success of this Project.

She is a 17 year old Goth Model. I met her late last year but in the few months we've worked together, she has proved to be just what I need on my production team.. She, like I said earlier, is a Goth Model.. She brings to the production of this project the Dark side which has been painted on us. She brings out the pain felt by us, who are looked down upon.. she puts a face to the anger, shame, hate and resent that is felt by all who are opressed.

We are Angeles Muertos. Dead Angels as it were. and this is our Message to all.