Friday, 25 July 2014

Stripes of Salvation

This is the New band Name for my band.... for me rather..... our Colors are red and black.... we are a Christian Rock band..... under a Christian Media HOuse called CaterPictures... This is us... so I'm spending today changing every Name everywhere, Taking down the Old and bringing up the new... I live under a New Banner. Grace.... His Grace.. God's Grace... Through His son... I am loved by Him.. I do so much wrong everyday but he always saves me... it's really amazing how sinners like can actually taste Grace... so that my story.. I've been fortunate enough to Realize that God's grace is everything I need to live.. I am blessed enough to know about Jesus..... it is my duty to spread his word wherever I go.... You see,my story is always about helping each other up... and God's word is the only way to do it. Yesterday.. I met a little boy outside my workplace..... okay there were three of them but my interest was in one of them.... the other two boys were carrying backpacks, he was carrying what looked like a mixture of a hand bag and brief case.  I could tell that the little boy was uncomfortable with how cumbersome it was to handle his on bag.. but also, on his face, I could see a look of acceptance... the little boy had come to grips and accepted that he didn't have a backpack, and as much as he wanted one, he couldn't get it..... so I called him, and walked with him... talking to him like he was a friend of mine. we walked across the road to a place where a man was selling second hand backpacks... I asked him to pick one... he picked it up and I asked for the price.. I was told 85  Kwacha... what?????????? for a second hand back pack???? that's ridiculous... but you see, I pulled out the money and gave it to the man......
Only after the boy had left and I had returned to my workplace did it occur to me that Shoprite sells BRAND NEW backpacks for less than 30 Kwacha....It then hit me.... in the moment I saw the little boy and deduce what I deduce about him.... I just wanted to get him out of his situation.. raise his self esteem and bring him closer to me.. win a friend...... I wanted change for the little boy, regardles of how it came... and that's what drives me as I do my work,,... Music, Photography.... I want those I meet who haven't experienced such love and  mercy to know what My God has done for me....... He has been Overly mercyful...... someone once told me,,... The word Grace means... UNMERITED favour... favour you didn't earn, fight for, or even know about.. you had NO clue what was going on.... I want to share that through everything I do... you can not say you have experienced His mercy if you have nothing to show for it... the only thing you can show for it is mercy yes... That is my band Name...... Stripes of Salvation... I am currently working on a few music projects with local Artists, doing new cover arts and everything... Getting this project off the ground.....
I also belong to a media group called Hope Army.... these are people who have helped me with everything since i started this journey... I love them.....
so uhm.. Kudos *Dives into Trash bin*